About Cora Peters, director of The Sonoran Singers

Cora Peters became the third director of Sonoran Singers in 2022, following the departure of Janie Grinstead. This role perfectly fits Cora, a woman with impressive God-given talents, an extensive resume, and directing ability.

"The love of music runs in my family…it's in my blood."

Cora’s mother, Anne Domino, a professional singer in Chicago, passed on her love and talent for music to her four children. Cora explains, “The love of music runs in my family…it’s in my blood.” When Cora was ten, she, her mom, and 14-year-old sister, Joanne, appeared on a Chicago local TV talent show; they took second place—giving birth to a new trio, The Dominos. The trio sang at veterans’ hospitals, charity fund-raisers, and musical productions. Six years later, the trio made their recording debut as backup singers on a single that rose to number 10 on the radio charts in Wisconsin.

Cora graduated from high school in 1963 and soon married Saul Peters. Within a year, Cora began singing lullabies to their son, Joe, and 19 months later to their daughter, Sheri. While raising them and working as an executive secretary, she continued to apply her musical talents.

  • 1974 she became music director and accompanist for an all-girls 45-member church choir. During the next six years, to raise money for choir robes, she helped produce two variety shows and made 400 dozen donuts with the girls!
  • Cora and a keyboardist, drummer, and vocal friend, formed the band, Prism, performing at wedding receptions, fundraisers, and other events. The group recorded several songs on tape.
  • Saul and Cora moved to California in 1984, where she quickly became involved in their church as the organist and singer, a role she held for 18 years, and was a soloist for weddings, funerals, and special events.
  • She also became the Director of a 17-member adult church choir. Cora says a very challenging and rewarding experience was producing a compact disc (CD). The choir sold 400 CDs, with all proceeds going to church.
  • Cora and Saul passed down their love of music and created Family Choir with five family members, a group that performed and recorded music.

After 20 years with Apple Valley Unified School District, Cora retired in 2006, and she and Saul moved to Sun City, a 55+ community. Over the next ten years, Cora would continue applying her musical, dancing, and organizational talents:

  • Solera Swing Band vocalist
  • Sun City Rockettes dancer
  • Founded and for 10 years directed Sun City’s 40-member choral group, Melodix
  • Launched two new singing groups Reflective Sounds and Windsong
  • Emergency Response Team Zone Manager

In December 2016, Saul and Cora moved to SaddleBrooke, Arizona, where she continued to be driven by her passion for music and singing. Finding that their church didn’t have a choir for the early morning mass, she and Saul started one within a few years. Together with their daughter, and friend, they continue bringing musical joy to the congregation each Sunday. When Cora became aware of Sonoran Singers, she joined as a second soprano and became Membership Coordinator, a role she maintained until March 2020 when COVID-19 hit, everything shut down, and illness required her to take a step back for two years.

"I am so very grateful and humbled in having been blessed with so many opportunities to use the God-given talents He has bestowed upon me--in all ways, in all my life! Thank you, God!"

During the summer of 2022, the Sonoran Singers’ board president asked Cora to fill the vacant director’s position. After much prayer, she accepted the volunteer job, saying this was one of her best decisions and “I feel blessed to have been given another opportunity to do what I love.” Cora describes Sonoran Singers as beautiful, considerate women and talented singers she thoroughly enjoys leading in song. Cora feels a real connection with the women and is very proud of them.

She also boasts about her wonderful husband, who, through their 60-plus years, has always promoted her music. He is Sonoran Singer’s most devoted fan attending performances, and you will see him taking photographs during the performances.